Friday, May 19, 2017

5/19/17 Final blog post

    • Final Exam Blog Post: please type a final reflection about your experience in Emerging Technology class this semester.  Please include the following in your reflection:
      • What you have learned
      • How you will use this information in the future
      • What other "Emerging" topics would have helped you prepare for the future or even just survive high school
      • Overall course feedback
  • All coursework has been graded & entered except for your Website -- make sure it is posted!
Throughout the year in computer class we have learned everything from how to make a really good power point presentation to how to edit a photo and make it look a lot better. I will use all of the information I learned in this class in the years to come when I am doing just about anything on the computer. The best technology would probably be using Microsoft mix and using power point for our finals because it now gives me my favorite option to present my work. overall I loved this course and I would recommend it to any incoming freshman and sophomores.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

4/3 Weekend

This weekend I helped my father down at my lake house. We cleaned mostly it was really long and kind of hard work but in the end when we came back to Kansas city we got some Jalapenos so it was pretty good also. My favorite thing to eat at Jalapenos is probably the chicken and cheese quesadillas. Now I know i'm basic but they are good and they are quality food.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4 Website Reflection

Overall I really enjoyed the creation of our own website but I think I would have really enjoyed being able to make our website over what ever we chose instead of a certain activity we are involved in. I started off using Wix and got really confused in the process so I switched over and used Weebly and found that it was a lot easier and was more useful and gave more of a user interface when needed.

Link to website